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Have money, no money, life different

已有 617 次阅读2009-9-18 17:35

   Have money, no money, life different

I know four children born in the same year, all born in 1993, but their life great different. One grill is my sister’s daughter study and live in a small city near a big city  ; one girl is my brother daughter who lived in village, have less time go to visit the city, once boy is my student, I taught him for four years in Shenzhen , one boy is my boss’ son, who breed in Australia Melbourne . They born in the same year, but life great different. My sister’s daughter needs to face university test press, every day need to do lots of home work , she often tell me ,” she afraid she can’t past the university entrance test ,  she afraid she can’t go to university”.   my brother daughter who lived in village, everyday work very hard ,and need to go to work in the field with her parents , grow plant , hoe up weeds, and do lots of homework and house work , she told me “ if she can go to university study , it will be very wonderful for my whole life , smiling and said , but is only my dream “ .  the other two boys , born in rich family , after learn some Chinese lesson ,after can speak mandarin , they study in Australia , and live in wonderful house , they can go to take part in different , they have lot of money to spent , they can do what they want to do .they are parent told them , make more friend with foreigner children , do make friend with Chinese , or can make with Chinese people who live in Australia since their born . in their parents’ eyes , foreigners have more good  protocol ,good actions ,Chinese will make more trouble .






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