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Why I don't move forward again

已有 434 次阅读2012-9-26 11:05

My classmate , sister have already work in the over sea for two or three years, she have got what she want to get , But I give up my dream and stay in the same company for many years ,I found that I have fallen, inertia for long time . why your classmate can do , why you  give up your dream .
Your excuse is whom is  clever than you , Maybe it is sure , she really more clever than you , and work harder than you . Now you  have already become one very pity woman , live in poor life , no house , no car , everyday ,jump in the crowded bus, day after day , you have already become poor idea , don't want to read books again, because you always fall down ,  hardly haven't past the examination, you  no  hope to rise up your salary , may be five years or ten years , you have no way to get higher salary. what do you want to waiting , waiting for your children grow up , waiting for tem finish the university , what will your children will do in the future in the future ?   You so sure , they will do better than you , or they will follow the road what you have done .






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