wonyu001 2009-10-12 10:48
网络营销的重要性 二十一世纪,网络广告趋势势不可挡,到 2010 年中国电子商务市场交易额将会达到 14.8 万亿元人民币,我国也将成为世界上最大的电子商务王国。成长最快和发展最大趋势的行业——互联网。国首富当中就有 7 名从事互联网,网易的丁磊、盛大网络的陈天桥、搜狐的张朝阳 ...
80 次阅读|1 个评论
阿拉98 2009-10-7 01:58
人生无目的,世界无意义 作者: 肖天莳 读后感言,就事论事,勿谓与两位大师作对也。 人生无目的,世界无意义 &nb ...
710 次阅读|0 个评论
阿拉98 2009-10-7 01:53
作者: 肖天莳 | 2009年07月14日 16:48 | 栏目: 一般分类 , 读书笔记 存在,还是不存在? ----读《现代物理学与东方神秘主义》(三) & ...
697 次阅读|0 个评论
闲情逸致 2009-9-25 22:56
200 次阅读|0 个评论
My Kid Temper
ymx78 2009-9-23 16:51
Although my kid only one and half years old, but have already show her strongDomineering , when she angry , yelled and cry loudly, sit down on the floor , she as a seizer ,seize the thing what she like and fight with her sister , another kid is my young brother’sdaughter , s ...
582 次阅读|0 个评论
hkx19950816 2009-9-20 17:15
举世瞩目的南宁大桥准备通车了,现在都已经画好了线,我都不得进去拍相片,人家不给进去,等到它通车了,一定去看通车仪式。 南宁大桥终投资15.55亿元。
295 次阅读|0 个评论
Have money, no money, life different
ymx78 2009-9-18 17:35
Have money, no money, life different I know four children born in the same year, all born in 1993, but their life great different. One grill is my sister’s daughter study and live in a small city near a big city; one girl is my brother daughter who lived in village, have ...
622 次阅读|0 个评论
Don’t like present job, but I should choose go on work in this company
ymx78 2009-9-18 17:04
I work in a private company in Shenzhen, everyday just receive e-mail , and send e-mail , not lot of work to do , some days, just playing on net without doing anything .work in this company , I have lots of time to do something what I want to do by myself , this is why I stay in this com ...
625 次阅读|0 个评论
阿拉98 2009-9-17 12:12
有客诣空空主人,容甚戚,既坐,语无伦次。   空空主人曰:“先生似有难言之苦。”   客喟然叹曰:“不足道。”   空空主人起而问:“何事不足道,而足萦心间邪?”   曰:“区区小事,恐亵先生圣听。”   空空主人曰:“姑妄言之。”   客嘿而不语。   空空主人固请,客顾左右欲言他,终无可奈何,遂言曰 ...
570 次阅读|0 个评论
阿拉98 2009-9-11 18:17
没有水,没有月亮 有水,有月亮 祷告祂的访问 静心
425 次阅读|0 个评论